Dr. Bruno's favorites

(images below)
Lansinoh Soothies gel pads
My Brest Friend nursing pillow
haakaa silicone breast pump
Elvie Curve breast pump
Medela soft shells for sore nipples
Baby D Drops
Miracle Blanket (Miracleblanketusa.com)
Nose Freida
Kids Ok to Wake clock for kids
“Food Bingo” Bingocardcreator.com
The Nursing Mother’s Companion- Kathleen Huggins
How to Talk so Little Kids will Listen- Joanna Faber and Julie Key
How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so kids will talk- Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Baby Led Feeding- Jenna Helwig
Happiest Baby on the Block- Harvey Karp
1-2-3 Magic-Thomas Phelan
Childrensmd.org (Mom Docs)
Kid Care (free app from St. Louis Children’s Hospital)
Chadd.org (ADD/ADHD website)
Parentsasteachers.org (Parents as Teachers- free resources for Missouri families)